
I am one of your brothers in the garden. Detuinvanheden is Dutch for the garden of now; a place where respect and solidarity define the development of everyday relations and a place where human activity is determined by natural balances and by the limits of surrounding ecosystems. To reach this destination, I begin from where I stand, and walk in the path that I create while walking. Through daily practices, I try to ground this utopia, here and now. This garden will be alive by the combination of knowdledge from our ancestors with the practical contemporay creations. I am concerned with solutions for (micro) societies to co-exist in trust, abundance and love. Why? Because I believe there is a heaven in me and on earth that need to be lived again. 


  • step into decentralized collaborative groups that are living as positive sparks of consciousness and who will be a cause for a free and responsible society to evolve.
  • participate in and contribute to easy to copy blueprints like Rainbow Cristallands, and support things like the Ubuntu Liberation Party* and similar other concepts 
  • go back to nature to live, learn and play with the land.
  • combine technology (science) & ancient knowledge (spirit) and use it for the good of all of creation: love and share
  • act now!

On my blog I give updates about my findings and share inspiration what I organise in one of the five elements.

De-learning and learning

De-learn all the crazy things this capitalistic so called society forced us into our minds. Instead of that understand how to become a whole human again*, go back to the simplicity of a true and free life. Read and apply ancient knowledge which was kept hidden from us but saved by gnostic warriors. Ancient wisdom like the Gospel of Thomas (from which the words preach a radical and non-violent revolution through a return to the origin, back to basics, where the end will be like the beginning again*) the Smaragd Tablets and the Nag Hammadi writings found back in our time are examples of knowledge that helps uncovering basic guidelines for a free and real life.

Take these teachings into account:

Delearning/relearning (english) (dutch)

Practical Interests :

– permaculture lifestyle
– natural building techniques
– making useful natural products and arts from ecological inputs
– connecting local communities by local exchange trading systems (LETS)*
– improving vegetarian/vegan cooking skills
gardening, herbs/fruit/mushrooms cultivating/collecting/progressing
– applying ancient knowledge in everyday life
– playing musical instruments
– enjoying wildlife (swimming with dolphins, hiking, surfing, diving, etc..)
– mindfulness by practising acro-yoga – meditation – tantra – (listening to music that leaves deep imprints on our souls like Rainbow songs*, Maok*, Xavier Rudd*) and reading sacred writings.


I know that the knowledge of myself and the opening of the energy of my heart* is what helps me in taking next steps in life. From when I was a child I felt connected with nature, but when I start going to school I had a feeling that something really strange was happening. What did they try to teach me and why was I separated and needed to compete with one another to feel better or worse then them? Later on I realised this was all to put me in a certain state of being in a culture where separation and competition is a law of capitalism.

After I sort of rebelled as a teenager against authorities I start studying the monetary slavery system with its philosophical, psychological and political inhumane elements that kept it all together until some time ago.  

With the knowledge what you give attention will grow I became active in planting seeds via social, decentralized and pacifist grounds. In these grounds I have discovered from closeby the psychological and aggressive resistance from the system against the seeds that were planted. But the seeds for living in freedom, love and peace was again made and this time globally. 


I wish to live without attachment to external needs, but only to the love I carry within. I have the idea to work on ecological centers that can be copied easily worldwide. This is possible when the concept is clear, simple and pure. It is, I believe, what can support the paradigmshift between the old (fear, possession, competition, greed) and the new (love, abundance, trust, co-creation and freedom) in a beautiful and effective way. 

They will mirror the interconnectedness of nature in all its facets in a never ending flow of creation. Divisions within the centers can be covered by basic elements like water, earth, wind and fire in such a way that earth will mirror the products that come from the land, water will be the area of unconditional flow, fire the active forces of meditations and wind for the inspirations. 

These centers should be managed by humanity and for humanity so that it depends on the contributions and commitments made within (local) communities. They will operate by having horizontal based structures with trust, openness and solidarity as a base.


4 Responses to About

  1. annemieke says:

    Hoi Frederik. Ben je daar nog? Is er zowiezo iemand in paidaigai komende winter? Ik ben van fb af en meen me te herinneren dat je schreef dat je mogelijk op reis zou gaan om eens bij andere groepen te kijken[griekenland?] hartelijke groet, Annemieke.

    • annemieke says:

      Hallo hallo! frederik, ben je daar nog? K heb je emailtjes gestuurd maar je reageert niet. Wil graag weten of je daar nu bent en de komende wintertijd. Dit om te kijken of en hoe we evt. komen om eens te kijken/voelen hoe het daar is en wat er evt. mogelijk is. hartelijke groeten, Annemieke.

    • annemieke says:

      Wil je in alsjeblieft bovenstaand bericht mijn emailadres verwijderen, dit was niet de bedoeling dat het hier staat. Bij voorbaat dank! Annemieke.

  2. Hoi Annemieke,

    Inmiddels ben ik in Vilnius (de hoofdstad van Litouwen) om aan Transition Town initiatieven te werken en aan de opstart een spiritueel/ecologische onderneming. Zo hoop ik de aansluiting binnen(stad)/buiten(leven) te maken en niet het ‘hutje op de hei’ gehalte te stimuleren.

    Wel mis ik op dit moment heel erg de wilde natuur in het buitenleven en de spiritualiteit die ik daar ervaar in mezelf via de natuur, maar wie weet wat de nabije toekomst brengt..

    Ik hoop dat er ook weer gewerkt kan gaan worden in Padaigai of/en aan de ontwikkeling van andere ecologische woon/leef plekken. Je bent zeker welkom om eens te komen kijken naar wat er mogelijk is.



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